Updates from the Atkins

Our Latest Family Picture

Our little Basketball Star Ben is so proud!

Benson loves to help us cook & vacuum! (Lucky us!)

Ben is finishing up his Masters this spring, and I finished my first year in Mommy School last October. Yay! Benson is still alive and so am I. Mommy School is grueling! But it's great!
Benson is walking, practically running. And he's starting to associate words with things. He's got Dadda and Mamma, pampa (Grandpa), "Ya ya ya" for things he likes, and "nya nya nya" for no. He jabbers and sings, and calls out "Where are you" when he can't find me or Ben. He's becoming a little boy. Which is scary because that means it's about time to start thinking about having another one. Whew! Still thinking. Well, that's our update in a nutshell.