Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Save The Date

I'm sure you've got the e-mail, but I thought I might give a little more detail on what happened. Things didn't go exactly as he had planned, but I thought it was perfect. We went up to Sundance with the intent to take the lift up and hike down to the falls, but because of wind, they closed the lift, so we hiked up to the falls instead. When we got there we walked around the falls and took a blanket to sit and read our books. He had also intended to stay for the sunset, but it got really cold up there all the sudden, so we decided to start hiking back. We didn't get very far before we started talking and he ended up on his knee and pulled the ring box out of his pocket. I was completely surprised since I was under the impression that he had been overwhelmed at his new job at Thomasville. He had been telling me he was working late, when actually he was down here making arrangements with the ring (which is absolutely AMAZING!), talking to my dad and planning for last night. It was really sweet and after we got back down from the falls we went to the Foundry Grill at Sundance and had a really nice dinner. So, there you have it, I'm getting married! Like I mentioned, we are planning for Saturday, October 8th in the Salt Lake Temple. I'm so excited. For further details, give me a call!